
Iron Sharpens Iron

The Smart Success Healthcare community is committed to fostering success, accountability, inspiration, and personal growth.

Go Strong, Go Together

Build alongside other entrepreneurially minded healthcare professionals as you start, grow and scale your practice.

Leverage & Innovate

Grow your knowledge, practice & business alongside fellow healthcare professionals to build the work life balance and clinical freedom

you aspire to.

Iron Sharpens Iron

The Smart Success Healthcare community is committed to fostering success, accountability, inspiration, and personal growth.

Go Strong, Go Together

Build alongside other entrepreneurially minded healthcare professionals as you start, grow and scale your practice.

Leverage & Innovate

Grow your knowledge, practice & business alongside fellow healthcare professionals to build the work life balance and clinical freedom you aspire to.

What are People Saying?


Joses Ngugi

Being in a community of entrepreneurially minded healthcare professionals has been nothing short of a blessing for us. The community has helped

our business grow & thrive by helping us identify our blind spots, while also providing us with consistent support that has helped us pivot, innovate & grow

more than we ever have.

Doctor of physical therapy


Karla Moore

This community has helped me stay on task and moving forward with my business and personal goals much quicker than when I was operating alone. I feel a definite connection and camaraderie, with all of us rooting for each other to win! Sharing experiences has been key to accomplishing what I didn't think I could do. It's like we are all on the same winning team!!

owner at neurofit wellness & physical therapy


Kelly Alhooie

I have completely changed over the last two years. I look at life and business completely different. I went from worrying about paying any little bill to now being able to give to other people without worrying if I can pay my bills. Personally my whole mind set shifted and I now look at every situation I’m put in as a positive outcome because I know it will only level me up. Professionally: I went from having no business to now 7 people on my staff and started two businesses in two years.

Doctor of physical therapy

What are People Saying?

Joses Ngugi

Being in a community of entrepreneurially minded healthcare professionals has been nothing short of a blessing for us. The community has helped

our business grow & thrive by helping us identify our blind spots, while also providing us with consistent support that has helped us pivot, innovate & grow

more than we ever have.

Doctor of physical therapy

Karla Moore

This community has helped me stay on task and moving forward with my business and personal goals much quicker than when I was operating alone. I feel a definite connection and camaraderie, with all of us rooting for each other to win! Sharing experiences has been key to accomplishing what I didn't think I could do. It's like we are all on the same winning team!!

owner at neurofit wellness & physical therapy

Kelly Alhooie

I have completely changed over the last two years. I look at life and business completely different. I went from worrying about paying any little bill to now being able to give to other people without worrying if I can pay my bills. Personally my whole mind set shifted and I now look at every situation I’m put in as a positive outcome because I know it will only level me up. Professionally: I went from having no business to now 7 people on my staff and started two businesses in two years.

Doctor of physical therapy

What's Included in the SSHC Membership?

What's Included in the SSHC Membership?

Community Driven.

Outcome Focused.

Grow your business through joining an entrepreneurial community & accessing a library of healthcare resources to build the business you envision.


Live Trainings from GT

1x monthly

$2997 value

  • Industry leading teaching centered around new monthly topics that will practically guide you & your business to the next level.
  • Learn everything from how to raise your income, grow through marketing, optimize your finances, increase sales & much more...
  • Acquire skills in building a business structured around time, clinical & financial freedom through premier monthly trainings from GT.

Live Trainings from GT

1x monthly

$2997 value

  • Industry leading teaching centered around new monthly topics that will practically guide you & your business to the next level.
  • Learn everything from how to raise your income, grow through marketing, optimize your finances, increase sales & much more...
  • Acquire skills in building a business structured around time, clinical & financial freedom through premier monthly trainings from GT.

Library of Business Resources & Templates

$497 value

  • Enjoy the unlimited value of a COMPOUNDING library of resources & templates that will streamline the process of growing your business.
  • This is your ONE STOP SHOP for templates that will increase the ease in processes such as hiring, posting on social media, creating policy's & procedures and much more...
  • This library grants you access the same resources & templates that have helped many healthcare professionals grow their businesses to six figures.

Library of Business Resources & Templates

$497 value

  • Enjoy the unlimited value of a COMPOUNDING library of resources & templates that will streamline the process of growing your business.
  • This is your ONE STOP SHOP for templates that will increase the ease in processes such as hiring, posting on social media, creating policy's & procedures and much more...
  • This library grants you access the same resources & templates that have helped many healthcare professionals grow their businesses to six figures.

Access to ALL 2022

Live Challenges

$1188 value

  • Access ALL of the 2022 five day long challenges where GT provides industry leading teaching that will propel the impact & income of your business!

Access to ALL 2022

Live Challenges

$1188 value

  • Access ALL of the 2022 five day long challenges where GT provides industry leading teaching that will propel the impact & income of your business!

Smart Success Healthcare Business Starter Program

$400 value

GT teaches 3 foundational components that will move you & your business out of the time for money trap. Learn the intricacies of how you, your customer & your service can be fused together to create uncapped income.


The GT (Get Time)

Planner for Entrepreneurs

$120 value

  • This 2 in 1 planner features a daily schedule as well as morning & evening journal prompts
  • Use this UNDATED 90 day planner any

time of the year!

  • The daily pages feature the morning mindset process & end of the day audit!
  • The Quarter in Review helps you align your long term goals & strategically think ahead!

Smart Success Healthcare Business Starter Program

$400 value

GT teaches 3 foundational components that will move you & your business out of the time for money trap. Learn the intricacies of how you, your customer & your service can be fused together to create uncapped income.

The GT (Get Time)

Planner for Entrepreneurs

$120 value

  • This 2 in 1 planner features a daily schedule as well as morning & evening journal prompts
  • Use this UNDATED 90 day planner any

time of the year!

  • The daily pages feature the morning mindset process & end of the day audit!
  • The Quarter in Review helps you align your long term goals & strategically think ahead!

Live Trainings from GT

1x monthly

$2997 value

Business Resources

& Templates

$497 value

Access to all 2022 Live Challenges

$1188 value

Smart Success Healthcare Business Starter Program

$297 value

Unlock your Community

Unlock your Potential

In healthcare, there are those who prosper and those who struggle. The Smart Success Healthcare Community creates healthcare professionals who prosper through entrepreneurial training, access to a compounding library of resources & templates,

and a growth minded community.

Unlock your Community

Unlock your Potential

In healthcare, there are those who prosper and those who struggle. The Smart Success Healthcare Community creates healthcare professionals who prosper through entrepreneurial training, access to a compounding library of resources & templates,

and a growth minded community.

Unlock your Community

Unlock your Potential

In healthcare, there are those who prosper and those who struggle. The Smart Success Healthcare Community creates healthcare professionals who prosper through entrepreneurial training, access to a compounding library of resources & templates, and a growth minded community.

Make Authentic Connections at Your Pace

It's not WHAT you know,

it's WHO you know.

Add value to your business & time to your life by outsourcing what you don't know to who you do know.

Make Authentic Connections at Your Pace

It's not WHAT you know,

it's WHO you know.

Add value to your business & time to your life by outsourcing what you don't know to

who you do know.


Make Authentic Connections at Your Pace

It's not what you,

it's who you know.

Add value to your business & time to your life by outsourcing what you don't know

to who you do know.